Saturday, January 3, 2009

First workout of the New Year

I didn't workout on Jan 1st. I knew that I would not be feeling to great after a night at the Crystal Ballroom. So Jan. 2nd was my first workout. Let's just say I didn't start the year off too well. I was very "compromised" (as Nathan would say) during the workout. There were a few times I thought I might lose my Jubelale beer from the night before. I think I was still recovering from New Years, as well as those few beers that I had the night before at Deschutes, along with not sleeping very much. Those are all equate to a half ass workout. But now I know to be better rested and to give the drinking a rest because it definitely affects my performance.

This was a part of my demise.

The workout was also a core grind, which are long and very tough, which does not help when you bring your C game.

Workout Jan. 2nd


Pass thrus

Overhead squats


Group A

Leg circuit

10 Jacknives

I only got through 3 and I thought my legs were going to fall off. I have a love/hate relationship with the leg circuits.

Group B

20 Heavy 2 hand swing- 35lb

row 250m

I only got through 3 rounds. This was where how compromised I was really showed up. You are only supposed to rest 1 min between rounds, and I'm pretty sure I took at least 3 minutes after that first round because I was fighting back the need to vomit. I was rowing at about a 1:45-150 average, so I was instructed by Nathan to slow down. I did somewhat, but for some reason I have this pacing issue. The next two rounds felt better.

Group C

3 turkish get ups- 20lbs

10 knees to elbows

I only did 3 rounds. My arms were so tired for some reason, so I could only use the 20lb kettlebell when I normally do the 25lb. Just goes to show to eat better and rest more to have a better performance.

So a bad way to start the New Year, but I guess that means it can only get better, right?

Time to get physical...

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